Monday, October 26, 2009

Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black) Right now

I really wanted an HD camcorder, but haven't gotten one due to prices, the fact I would need to buy a new computer to process the AVCHD files, and the nagging voice of reason that told me I wouldn't use it as much as I think I would (based on my past experience with a Sony Handycam gathering dust in the closet). But I knew I needed something to capture my daughter's moments. So far, I've been suffering through using the standard dev video on my Panasonic point and shoot which hasn't been a bad experience, but the video quality can get quite dismal. So I started shopping for the new compact "pocket" camcorders ala Flip Mino HD and Creative Vado HD. After days of procrastination, ordered up a Vado for larger hard drive size, larger viewing screen, and cheaper price. Then I learned that the new point and shoots produce HD video. After cursing myself for my failed research, I went down to Best Buy and picked up the Canon SD780. I didn't think I would keep the Canon just because I didn't need another point and shoot but once I did a side by side video comparison with the Vado, it was a no brainer. The video colors from the Canon were more vibrant especially in lower light. The Canon also picked up sound much much better than the Vado which made people sound like they were far and tinny. In the end, the Canon won out and I have absolutely no regrets. It fits in the pocket nicely and is easy to manage. The still pictures are high quality Canon photos and having the still picture functionality is just an added bonus for me.Get more detail about Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black).

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