Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Discount Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black)

I selected this camera as a "always carry" item. I own a Canon 20D professional camera with many lenses and other attachements, and it is HEAVY. So I don't take it unless I am on a photo shoot.

The SD780IS has a very important feature: an optical viewfinder. This is really helpful in bright sunlight, when you will have great difficulty using the LCD to frame a photo.

The image quality is great, the HD video is great, only complaint is that the mic is very susceptable to wind noise.

The ability to apply filters and cropping/resizing in the camera is very nice.

This camera is so small it is smaller than a credit card (only thicker). The flash works great, the focus light works great - I can take photos in complete darkness! The shutter lag is very very short.

If you are looking for an absolutely GREAT camera that will disappear in your pocket (you will forget it is there), this is the one!

The only limitations (in comparison to my "big" camera) is... no lens options (only built-in 3x zoom, with a very good digital zoom and image stabilizer function), and a slightly higher noise level in the image data (required because it uses a very tiny sensor). The noise is not visible for even very large prints (12 megapixels is a LOT of pixels). And, of course the adjustment options are limited (I like shutter priority, but can't do that on this camera). However, the exposure system is EXCELLENT!

I usually shoot in Program mode, with -2/3 stop exposure. This is due to the fact that auto mode causes the image to often be slightly over-exposed (as viewed on the LCD). The image is usually NOT overexposed, just looks that way. Since I like to share the photos on the camera a lot, I use this to get great color on the LCD, not just on the computer. The additional image noise from this adjustment is very tiny.

Great camera! HD video in the palm of your hand! Waiting for Canon to release the 60D so I can do HD on my big camera, too!Get more detail about Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black).

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