Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where To Buy Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black)

Things I liked:
- It's size
- It's quick startup time
- It's quick autofocus (shutter lag) time - first pocket camera I've had where the shutter lag started to border on "I didn't even notice it"
- Real nice colors in the photos I took

Things I didn't like:
- It's small, but weighs enough to still be noticeable. The listed weights don't back me up, but it felt like it weighed more than the sd1200 in my pocket.
- Resolution - despite being rated 12 megapixels, I got slightly *less* detail out of it in sunny conditions than I got out of my 5 megapixel kodak point and shoot that I bought 5 years ago for like [...].
- Things in the middle of a picture have the same detail as my 5mp kodak, but things around the edges are notably fuzzier and blurrier.
- Got a couple of out of focus shots even in bright daylight
- To be fair, it did do better in low light than my kodak, taking clearer and more color-accurate shots than my kodak in my apartment with the lights on.

If you've read the Consumer Reports review, it suggested this camera had really good ISO (low light perfomance). It's rather misleading. I bought this camera hoping it had really good night shots - they were just as crap-tastic as other point and shoots that fit in your pocket. Even with lighting directly above them, I could not get a non-blurry picture of my friends at night without a flash. If I used a flash, it tended to give me the typical "faces way white and washed out" look.

I noticed while noise is technically well controlled, what happens is that the darker and higher the iso for the shot, the more smudgy and less detailed the photo gets. I mean, I thought they did a nice job at it - I didn't get that "lots of noise" look to my darker photos. But those photos also clearly lost some resolution.

If you're looking for resolution in your photos from the 12mp rating, or are excited about the supposed high ISO rating, this camera will be a disappointment. Even buying just a *slightly* larger camera like the SD1200 will likely (based on my shots + online sample photos) give you more resolution and slightly better low light performance, though the noise removal on this camera is pretty nice (perhaps the sd1200 will get replaced with a camera with the same processor as this one) but results in reduced resolution rather than additional noise in your photo. If you just want a tiny point and shoot to take pics to put on facebook, this camera is a very nice option. But I think the physically slightly bigger cameras are a noticeable step up in image detail over this tiny, tiny one.Get more detail about Canon PowerShot SD780IS12.1 MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch LCD (Black).

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